Pretty Rhythm Wiki
Pretty Rhythm Special Complete CD Box
Pretty Rhythm CD BOX
Kanji [CD BOX] プリティーリズム スペシャルコンプリートCD BOX
Romaji Puritī Rizumu Supesharu Konpurīto CD BOX
Format CD BOX
Artist Various Artists
Released January 15, 2015
Genre J-Pop
Catalog EYCA-10142
Sales TBA
Publisher avex pictures inc.

Pretty Rhythm Special Complete CD Box (プリティーリズム スペシャルコンプリートCD BOX) is the collection of songs and background music that have appeared in the Pretty Rhythm series. It was released January 15th, 2015.


Disc 1[]

  1. Aurora Dream! (Main Theme) (オーロラドリーム! (メインテーマ))
  2. Aurora Dream! (Mello) (オーロラドリーム! (メロウ))
  3. Aurora Dream! (Light) (オーロラドリーム! (軽やか))
  4. Aurora Dream! (Piano Solo) (オーロラドリーム! (ピアノソロ))
  5. Aira's Theme (Arranged Theme Song) (あいらのテーマ(主題歌アレンジ))
  6. Aira Clumsy (Arranged Theme Song) (ドジっ子あいら(主題歌アレンジ))
  7. Aira in Love (Arranged Theme Song) (恋するあいら(主題歌アレンジ))
  8. Aira Sad (Arranged Theme Song) (切ないあいら(主題歌アレンジ))
  9. Aira Crying (Arranged Theme Song) (泣きじゃくるあいら(主題歌アレンジ))
  10. Rizumu's Theme (りずむのテーマ)
  11. Rizumu Caring (世話好きりずむ)
  12. Rizumu's Mother Love (母恋いりずむ)
  13. Mion's Theme (みおんのテーマ)
  14. Mion Switch On! (みおんスイッチオン!)
  15. Mion Switch Off! (みおんスイッチオフ!)
  16. Daily Life of the Harune Family (春音家の日常)
  17. Papa and Mama (パパとママ)
  18. Pretty Remake (プリティーリメイク)
  19. Tension before of the Performance (本番前の緊張感)
  20. Nice Outfit (素敵なコーデ)
  21. Pinch is Coming (ピンチ到来)
  22. Jun's Advice (純のアドバイス)
  23. Amazing Jump (見事なジャンプ)
  24. Asechi's Plan (阿世知の企み)
  25. Strained Relationship (ぎくしゃくした関係)
  26. Dazzling Rival Heart (ライバル心メラメラ)
  27. There is Something for You (あなたには何かがある)
  28. Press Conference (記者会見)
  29. Penguim Teacher Appearance (ペンギン先生登場)
  30. Rabichi and Bearchi (ラビチとベアチ)
  31. Day's Lesson A (Do Your Best) (レッスンの日々A(がんばる))
  32. Day's Lesson B (Does not Work Well) (レッスンの日々B(うまく行かない))
  33. Day's Lesson C (Falling) (レッスンの日々C(落ち込む))
  34. Prince of Prism Show (プリズムショーの貴公子)

Disc 2[]

  1. Towards Tomorrow (明日に向かって)
  2. Easter Egg (Festival) (イースターエッグ(お祭り))
  3. I Can't Stop Pounding (ドキドキが止まらない)
  4. Parent-child Quarrel (親子げんか)
  5. Reconciliation with Papa (パパとの和解)
  6. Girl's Alone (ひとりぼっちの女の子)
  7. Fate of the Past (過去の因縁)
  8. Suspicious Spell (怪しげな呪文)
  9. Papa's Kidness (パパのやさしさ)
  10. Prism Stone's Bustle (プリズムストーンの賑わい)
  11. Big Fight (大げんか)
  12. Bond's Two Persons (二人の絆)
  13. Study, Study, Study Again (勉強、勉強、また勉強)
  14. Special Training (特訓)
  15. Storm's Premonition (嵐の予感)
  16. New Theme Song Arrangement (Very Well) (新主題歌アレンジ (元気良く))
  17. New Theme Song Arrangement (Mello) (新主題歌アレンジ (メロウ))
  18. New Theme Song Arrangement (Light) (新主題歌アレンジ (軽やか))
  19. New Theme Song Arrangement (Piano Solo) (新主題歌アレンジ (ピアノソロ))
  20. Comical A (コミカルA)
  21. Comical B (コミカルB)
  22. Comical C (コミカルC)
  23. Comical D (コミカルD)
  24. Kaname's Theme (かなめのテーマ)
  25. Kaname's Mysterious Aura (かなめの神秘的なオーラ)
  26. Kaname's Loneliness (かなめの孤独)
  27. Miracle・Snow・Christmas (ミラクル・スノー・クリスマス)
  28. Asechi and Kei・Mother and Daughter Feud (阿世知とケイ・母娘の確執)
  29. Kei・The Heart of Ice (ケイ・氷の心)
  30. Aurora・Rising・Egg (オーロラ・ライジング・卵)
  31. Intense Lesson (激しいレッスン)
  32. Valentine・Heart (バレンタイン・ハート)
  33. Rizumu Rought (荒むりずむ)
  34. Friendship Revival (友情復活)
  35. Aurora・Rising・Dream (オーロラ・ライジング・ドリーム)
  36. Avant (Previous Story Flashback) (アバン(前話回想))
  37. Subtitle (サブタイトル)
  38. Eyecatch A (Aira) Ver. 1 (アイキャッチA(あいら) (Ver.1))
  39. Eyecatch A (Aira) Ver. 2 (アイキャッチA(あいら) (Ver.2))
  40. Eyecatch B (Rizumu) (アイキャッチB(りずむ))
  41. Eyecatch C (Mion) (アイキャッチC(みおん))
  42. Eyecatch E (Callings) (アイキャッチE(Callings))
  43. Eyecatch F (Pair Cheer Mascot) (アイキャッチF(ペアチアマスコット))
  44. Notice (予告)
  45. Dance Lesson Song (ダンスレッスン曲)
  46. ​​Eyecatch H (Kaname) (アイキャッチH(かなめ))

Disc 3[]

  1. Dear My Future! (Main Theme) (Dear My Future! (メインテーマ))
  2. Dear My Future! (Mello) (Dear My Future! (メロウ))
  3. Dear My Future! (Light) (Dear My Future! (軽やか))
  4. Dear My Future! (Strings) (Dear My Future! (ストリングス))
  5. Dear My Future! (Piano Solo) (Dear My Future! (ピアノソロ))
  6. Prizmmy☆'s Theme (Arranged Theme Song) (Prizmmy☆のテーマ (主題歌アレンジ))
  7. Prizmmy☆ Consecutive Failures (Arranged Theme Song) (失敗連続Prizmmy☆ (主題歌アレンジ))
  8. Prizmmy☆ Love (Arranged Theme Song) (恋するPrizmmy☆ (主題歌アレンジ))
  9. Prizmmy☆ Sadness (Arranged Theme Song) (切なさPrizmmy☆ (主題歌アレンジ))
  10. Prizmmy☆ Sorrow (Arranged Theme Song) (悲しみPrizmmy☆ (主題歌アレンジ))
  11. It's A Show Time
  12. Prism Act (プリズムアクト)
  13. Mia's Theme (Air Rack Brightness・Mia) (みあのテーマ(きどあいらっく・みあ))
  14. Mia Rush Foward (猪突猛進みあ)
  15. Continuous Misunderstanding Mia Pinch (誤解連続みあピンチ)
  16. Reina's Theme (Dreaming Diva Reina) (れいなのテーマ(夢見る歌姫れいな))
  17. Reina, Summarize! (れいな、まとめます!)
  18. Reina Heart Pounding (胸キュンれいな)
  19. Karin's Theme (Galactica, What Are You Doing!) (かりんのテーマ(ギャラクティカ、やるってか!)
  20. Karin, is Scared~ (かりん、ビビってます~)
  21. Karin, Let's Get on! (かりん、お調子乗りま~す!)
  22. Ayami's Theme (It's a Memo Memo!) (あやみのテーマ(メモメモです!))
  23. Ayami, Maiden's Temperature Soars! (あやみ、乙女温度急上昇!)
  24. Discreet, Restrained, Ayami's Dance (控えめ、抑えめ、あやみのダンス)
  25. Pair Charm Appearance (ペアチャム登場)
  26. Pair Charm, I'm in Trouble (ペアチャム、困っちゃむ)
  27. Meganee Space (めが姉ぇ空間)
  28. Coordinate your Heart (心もコーデ)
  29. When the see Flowers of Heart (銭の花咲く頃)
  30. Dear Crown
  31. Grateful Symphonia Overture ~ Beyond the Darkness (グレイトフルシンフォニア序曲~闇の先へ)
  32. Greatest Suffering ~ Kintaro Asechi's Grudge (最大の苦難~阿世知欽太郎の怨念)
  33. Last Act ~ Everyone's Future (ラストアクト~みんなの未来)
  34. Conclusion ~ Life is Just a Miracle (大団円~Life is Just a Miracle)
  35. Subtitle (サブタイトル)
  36. Notice (予告)
  37. Eyecatch A (Mia) (アイキャッチA(みあ))
  38. Eyecatch B (Reina) (アイキャッチB(れいな))
  39. Eyecatch C (Karin) (アイキャッチC(かりん))
  40. Eyecatch D (Ayami) (アイキャッチD(あやみ))
  41. Eyecatch E (Pair Charm) (アイキャッチE(ペアチャム))
  42. You May Dream -Aurora Rising Ver.- (You May Dream ~オーロラライジングver.~)

Disc 4[]

  1. Rainbow Live (Main Theme) (レインボーライブ(メインテーマ))
  2. Rainbow Live (Light Afternoon) (レインボーライブ (軽やかな昼下がり))
  3. Rainbow Live (Sorrow's Twilight) (レインボーライブ (憂いの夕暮れ))
  4. Rainbow Live (Sorrow's Night) (レインボーライブ (哀しみの夜))
  5. From Beyond of the Cross of Rainbow (クロスの虹の彼方から)
  6. Morning's Happy Naru (ハピなるの朝)
  7. Rumor's Classmates (噂のクラスメート)
  8. Link's Schoolyard (校庭のリンク)
  9. A Dream has Come (夢がやってきた)
  10. Tension's Procession (緊張の行列)
  11. Interview (面接)
  12. Prism Space (プリズム空間)
  13. Costume Change (コスチューム・チェンジ)
  14. With Hope (希望を抱いて)
  15. Avant (アバン)
  16. Leisurely Family (のんびり家族)
  17. How to Eat Delicious Sweets (おいしいスイーツの食べ方)
  18. Sour Dad (頑固オヤジ)
  19. Twilight's Park (夕暮れの公園)
  20. Cake Making is a Dance (ケーキ作りはてんてこ舞い)
  21. Mysterious Girl (不思議な少女)
  22. Following the Past (過去を引きずって)
  23. Rooftop's Lunch Break (お昼休みの屋上)
  24. Confrontation (対立)
  25. Delicate Relationship (微妙な関係)
  26. Ito's Rock Guitar (いとのロックギター)
  27. Prism Stone Open (プリズムストーン・オープン)
  28. Not Going Well (うまく行かない)
  29. Gorgeous Dear Crown (華やかなディアクラウン)
  30. Troubled Situation (困った事態)
  31. Origami, Let's Fold (折り紙、折りましょ)
  32. Prism Stone's Great Success (大盛況のプリズムストーン)
  33. Naru and Kouji (At the Park) (なるとコウジ(公園にて))
  34. Like a Detective (探偵のように)
  35. Shadow's Mystery (謎の影)
  36. DJ COO's Kiradeco Trailer (DJ.COOのキラデコ・トレーラー)
  37. Hiro and Kouji (Rivals) (ヒロとコウジ(ライバル))
  38. Parent-child Quarrel (親子げんか)
  39. Fun Dining Table (楽しい食卓)
  40. Piano's Memories (Ito's Mother) (想い出のピアノ(いとの母親))

Disc 5[]

  1. Make Up (仲直り)
  2. Accusation (言いがかり)
  3. Street・Boys & Girls (ストリート・ボーイズ&ガールズ)
  4. Kouji's Past (コウジの過去)
  5. Conspiracy (悪巧み)
  6. Between Storm and Sunshine (嵐と晴れ間)
  7. Prolonged Examination (長引く審査)
  8. Angel's Ladder (天使のはしご)
  9. Mysterious Behavior (謎の行動)
  10. Prism Show with 3 Peoples (3人でプリズムショー)
  11. Uplifting Feeling (高揚感)
  12. Otoha's Prism Live Special Training (おとはのプリズムライブ特訓)
  13. Friendship is Born (友情が生まれる)
  14. Sad Memories (切ない想い出)
  15. Mismatch (仲違い)
  16. Happy Time (幸せな時間)
  17. I'll Forgive you (許してあげる)
  18. Bell's Violin Music (べるのバイオリン演奏曲)
  19. Bell Getting Stuck (追い詰められたべる)
  20. Naru and Bell (なるとべる)
  21. Chase the Bell! (べるを追い掛けろ!)
  22. True Feelings (本当の気持ち)
  23. Message of Love (愛のメッセージ)
  24. Mysterious Conversation (ミステリアスな会話)
  25. The Night Before of Decisive Battle (決戦の前夜)
  26. Friendship is Born (新たなる友情)
  27. Gentle Feelings (優しい気持ち)
  28. Time to Reveal your Thoughts (想いを打ち明ける時)
  29. Disagreement (行き違い)
  30. Great Performance with a Pair (ペアとも大活躍)
  31. Seniors who Give Courage (勇気をくれる先輩)
  32. Tragedy of Past (過去の悲劇)
  33. The Morning when Something Starts (何かが始まる朝)
  34. Stunning Surprises, Upset (びっくり仰天、気は動転)
  35. Sunny Skies, After, Cloudy Weather (ルンルン晴れ、のち、ドンヨリ曇り)
  36. Bounce Back Against Adversity! (逆境を跳ね返せ!)

Disc 6[]

  1. You May Dream
  2. Mera Mera Heart ga Atsuku Naru (めらめらハートが熱くなる)
  3. Happy GO Lucky! ~Happy☆Lucky de Go!~ (Happy GO Lucky! ~ハピ☆ラキでゴー!~)
  4. Dream Goes On
  5. Kokoro Juuden! (ココロ充電!)
  6. Switch On My Heart
  7. 1/1000 Eien no Bigaku (1/1000永遠の美学)
  8. We Will Win! -Kokoro no Baton de Po・Pon no Po~n☆- (We Will Win! -ココロのバトンでポ・ポンのポ~ン☆-)
  9. Hop! Step!! Jump!!!
  10. Never Let Me Down ~Ganbari ya!~ (Never Let me Down ~がんばりやぁ!~)
  11. Itoshi no Tinkerbell (愛しのティンカーベル)
  12. 1000% Kyun Kyun Sasete yo♡ (1000% キュン キュンさせてよ♡)
  13. Pretty Rhythm de Go! (プリティーリズムでGo!)
  14. Shall We Go?!
  15. Don't Give Up
  16. Wonderful World
  17. Everybody's Gonna Be Happy -TV size-

Disc 7[]

  1. Dear My Future ~Mirai no Jibun e~ (Dear My Future ~未来の自分へ~)
  2. my Transform
  4. Cheki☆Love (チェキ☆ラブ)
  5. Life is Just a Miracle ~Ikiteru tte Subarashii~ (Life is Just a Miracle ~生きているって素晴らしい~)
  6. Body Rock
  7. Pump it Up! (パンピナ!)
  8. Shuwa Shuwa BABY (シュワシュワBABY)
  9. Thank You!! (サンキュッ!!)
  10. Mirage JET
  11. cheer! yeah!×2
  12. LOVE♥MIX
  13. Yoinakaso♪ (よいなかそ♪)
  14. Que Sera

Disc 8[]

  1. Heart♥Colors♥of Various Dreams (ハート♥イロ♥トリドリ~ム)
  2. BT37.5
  3. Sweet time Cooking magic ~Hara Peko Nan Desu Watashi tte~ (Sweet time Cooking magic ~胸ペコなんです私って~)
  4. Get music!
  5. Vanity♥Cologne (バニティ♥コロン)
  6. Blowin' in the Mind
  7. Gift
  8. nth color
  9. Reboot
  10. Pride
  12. EZ DO DANCE -DJ.COO ver.-
  13. Rosette Nebula
  14. Doshaburi HAPPY! (どしゃぶりHAPPY!)
  15. cherry-picking days
  16. ALIVE
  17. Little Wing&Beautiful Pride

Disc 9[]

  4. Butterfly Effect
  5. RainBow×RainBow
  6. §Rainbow
  7. I Wannabee myself!! ~Jibun Rashiku Itai~ (I Wannabee myself ~自分らしくいたい!~)
  8. Happy Star☆Restaurant (ハッピースター☆レストラン)
  9. Naru Jump (Guitar) (なる・ジャンプ (ギター))
  10. Ito Jump (Keyboard) (いと・ジャンプ (キーボード))
  11. Ann Jump (Drum & Percussion) (あん・ジャンプ (ドラム&パーカッション))
  12. Bell Jump (Violin) (べる・ジャンプ (バイオリン))
  13. Otoha Jump (Sax) (おとは・ジャンプ (サックス))
  14. Wakana Jump (Marimba) (わかな・ジャンプ (マリンバ))
  15. Rinne Jump (Guitar) (りんね・ジャンプ (ギター))
  16. June Jump (Orchestra) (ジュネ・ジャンプ (オーケストラ))
  17. Happy Rain♪ Jump (3 Instruments) (ハッピーレイン♪・ジャンプ (3楽器))
  18. Bell Rose Jump (3 Instruments) (ベルローズ・ジャンプ (3楽器))
  19. Rainbow Jump (6 Instruments + Orchestra) (レインボー・ジャンプ (6楽器+オーケストラ))
  20. Subtitle (サブタイトル)
  21. Notice (予告)
  22. Eyecatch A (アイキャッチA)
  23. Eyecatch B (アイキャッチB)
  24. You May Dream -Mission Successful Mix 2014-

Disc 10[]

  1. BOY MEETS GIRL -Prism Boys Ver.-
  2. athletic core
  3. Heart♥Colors♥of Various Dreams -LIVE in Christmas 2014 Ver.- (ハート□イロ□トリドリ~ム ~LIVE in クリスマス2014ver.~)
  4. Happy Naru Sound (ハピなる音頭)
  5. Free Dreamin’
  6. Ex・Ci・Ti・Ng Days (と・き・め・きDays)
  7. Are You Ready?
  8. Maiden Puzzle ~Fall in Love EVERYDAY~ (オトメパズル ~恋するEVERYDAY~)
  9. Shooting STAR
  10. StarLight★HeartBeat
  11. Welcome! Girls!
  12. Welcome! Girls! (Instrumental)

Featured Singers[]


Disc 1[]

Ver. Song Duration Audio
Instrumental Aurora Dream! (Main Theme) 1:57
Instrumental Aurora Dream! (Mello) 2:42
Instrumental Aurora Dream! (Light) 1:56
Instrumental Aurora Dream! (Piano Solo) 2:29
Instrumental Aira's Theme (Arranged Theme Song) 2:14
Instrumental Aira Clumsy (Arranged Theme Song) 2:08
Instrumental Aira in Love (Arranged Theme Song) 2:15
Instrumental Aira Sad (Arranged Theme Song) 2:34 TBA
Instrumental Aira Crying (Arranged Theme Song) 3:08 TBA
Instrumental Rizumu's Theme 2:04 TBA
Instrumental Rizumu Caring 1:56 TBA
Instrumental Rizumu's Mother Love 2:23 TBA
Instrumental Mion's Theme 2:23 TBA
Instrumental Mion Switch On! 2:14 TBA
Instrumental Mion Switch Off! 2:11 TBA
Instrumental Daily Life of the Harune Family 1:46 TBA
Instrumental Papa and Mama 2:28 TBA
Instrumental Pretty Remake 2:21 TBA
Instrumental Tension before of the Performance 2:01 TBA
Instrumental Nice Outfit 2:55 TBA
Instrumental Pinch is Coming 1:42 TBA
Instrumental Jun's Advice 2:09 TBA
Instrumental Amazing Jump 2:14 TBA
Instrumental Asechi's Plan 1:40 TBA
Instrumental Strained Relationship 1:56 TBA
Instrumental Dazzling Rival Heart 1:29 TBA
Instrumental There is Something for You 2:12 TBA
Instrumental Press Conference 2:31 TBA
Instrumental Penguim Teacher Appearance 1:45 TBA
Instrumental Rabichi and Bearchi 1:38 TBA
Instrumental Day's Lesson A (Do Your Best) 1:59 TBA
Instrumental Day's Lesson B (Does not Work Well) 2:14 TBA
Instrumental Day's Lesson C (Falling) 1:36 TBA
Instrumental Prince of Prism Show 1:45 TBA

Disc 2[]

Ver. Song Duration Audio
Instrumental Towards Tomorrow 2:05 TBA
Instrumental Easter Egg (Festival) 2:31 TBA
Instrumental I Can't Stop Pounding 1:51 TBA
Instrumental Parent-child Quarrel 2:01 TBA
Instrumental Reconciliation with Papa 1:55 TBA
Instrumental Girl's Alone 2:18 TBA
Instrumental Fate of the Past 4:03 TBA
Instrumental Suspicious Spell 1:20 TBA
Instrumental Papa's Kidness 2:21 TBA
Instrumental Prism Stone's Bustle 1:38 TBA
Instrumental Big Fight 1:20 TBA
Instrumental Bond's Two Persons 1:26 TBA
Instrumental Study, Study, Study Again 1:39 TBA
Instrumental Special Training 1:41 TBA
Instrumental Storm's Premonition 2:09 TBA
Instrumental New Theme Song Arrangement (Very Well) 1:49 TBA
Instrumental New Theme Song Arrangement (Mello) 1:40 TBA
Instrumental New Theme Song Arrangement (Light) 1:35 TBA
Instrumental New Theme Song Arrangement (Piano Solo) 2:57 TBA
Instrumental Comical A 1:29 TBA
Instrumental Comical B 2:08 TBA
Instrumental Comical C 1:35 TBA
Instrumental Comical D 1:21 TBA
Instrumental Kaname's Theme 1:51 TBA
Instrumental Kaname's Mysterious Aura 2:03 TBA
Instrumental Kaname's Loneliness 2:01 TBA
Instrumental Miracle・Snow・Christmas 1:51 TBA
Instrumental Asechi and Kei・Mother and Daughter Feud 1:43 TBA
Instrumental Kei・The Heart of Ice 1:39 TBA
Instrumental Aurora・Rising・Egg 1:45 TBA
Instrumental Intense Lesson 1:31 TBA
Instrumental Valentine・Heart 1:41 TBA
Instrumental Rizumu Rought 1:34 TBA
Instrumental Friendship Revival 1:35 TBA
Instrumental Aurora・Rising・Dream 1:47 TBA
Instrumental Avant (Previous Story Flashback) 0:31 TBA
Instrumental Subtitle 0:10 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch A (Aira) Ver. 1 0:08 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch A (Aira) Ver. 2 0:08 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch B (Rizumu) 0:09 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch C (Mion) 0:08 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch E (Callings) 0:07 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch F (Pair Cheer Mascot) 0:09 TBA
Instrumental Notice 0:33 TBA
Instrumental Dance Lesson Song 1:41 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch H (Kaname) 0:08 TBA

Disc 3[]

Ver. Song Duration Audio
Instrumental Dear My Future! (Main Theme) 2:20 TBA
Instrumental Dear My Future! (Mello) 1:49 TBA
Instrumental Dear My Future! (Light) 1:56 TBA
Instrumental Dear My Future! (Strings) 2:13 TBA
Instrumental Dear My Future! (Piano Solo) 2:03 TBA
Instrumental Prizmmy☆'s Theme (Arranged Theme Song) 1:22 TBA
Instrumental Prizmmy☆ Consecutive Failures (Arranged Theme Song) 1:32 TBA
Instrumental Prizmmy☆ Love (Arranged Theme Song) 2:17 TBA
Instrumental Prizmmy☆ Sadness (Arranged Theme Song) 2:00 TBA
Instrumental Prizmmy☆ Sorrow (Arranged Theme Song) 1:39 TBA
Instrumental It's A Show Time 2:01 TBA
Instrumental Prism Act 1:48 TBA
Instrumental Mia's Theme (Air Rack Brightness・Mia) 2:02 TBA
Instrumental Mia Rush Foward 2:00 TBA
Instrumental Continuous Misunderstanding Mia Pinch 1:57 TBA
Instrumental Reina's Theme (Dreaming Diva Reina) 2:09 TBA
Instrumental Reina, Summarize! 1:51 TBA
Instrumental Reina Heart Pounding 1:47 TBA
Instrumental Karin's Theme (Galactica, What Are You Doing!) 1:55 TBA
Instrumental Karin, is Scared~ 1:30 TBA
Instrumental Karin, Let's Get on! 1:25 TBA
Instrumental Ayami's Theme (It's a Memo Memo!) 2:02 TBA
Instrumental Ayami, Maiden's Temperature Soars! 1:41 TBA
Instrumental Discreet, Restrained, Ayami's Dance 1:48 TBA
Instrumental Pair Charm Appearance 1:44 TBA
Instrumental Pair Charm, I'm in Trouble 2:10 TBA
Instrumental Meganee Space 1:45 TBA
Instrumental Coordinate your Heart 2:05 TBA
Instrumental When the see Flowers of Heart 1:18 TBA
Instrumental Dear Crown 2:16 TBA
Instrumental Grateful Symphonia Overture ~ Beyond the Darkness 2:00 TBA
Instrumental Greatest Suffering ~ Kintaro Asechi's Grudge 1:43 TBA
Instrumental Last Act ~ Everyone's Future 2:28 TBA
Instrumental Conclusion ~ Life is Just a Miracle 2:17 TBA
Instrumental Subtitle 0:10 TBA
Instrumental Notice 0:32 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch A (Mia) 0:07 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch B (Reina) 0:07 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch C (Karin) 0:07 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch D (Ayami) 0:07 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch E (Pair Charm) 0:08 TBA
Vocal You May Dream ~ Aurora Rising Ver. ~ 3:48

Disc 4[]

Ver. Song Duration Audio
Instrumental Rainbow Live (Main Theme) 1:50 TBA
Instrumental Rainbow Live (Light Afternoon) 1:48 TBA
Instrumental Rainbow Live (Sorrow's Twilight) 1:50 TBA
Instrumental Rainbow Live (Sorrow's Night) 2:02 TBA
Instrumental From Beyond of the Cross of Rainbow 2:10 TBA
Instrumental Morning's Happy Naru 1:59 TBA
Instrumental Rumor's Classmates 1:30 TBA
Instrumental Link's Schoolyard 1:57 TBA
Instrumental A Dream has Come 1:45 TBA
Instrumental Tension's Procession 1:40 TBA
Instrumental Interview 1:43 TBA
Instrumental Prism Space 1:44 TBA
Instrumental Costume Change 1:39 TBA
Instrumental With Hope 1:47 TBA
Instrumental Avant 0:35 TBA
Instrumental Leisurely Family 2:29 TBA
Instrumental How to Eat Delicious Sweets 1:33 TBA
Instrumental Sour Dad 1:42 TBA
Instrumental Twilight's Park 1:46 TBA
Instrumental Cake Making is a Dance 1:46 TBA
Instrumental Mysterious Girl 2:08 TBA
Instrumental Following the Past 1:53 TBA
Instrumental Rooftop's Lunch Break 1:38 TBA
Instrumental Confrontation 1:56 TBA
Instrumental Delicate Relationship 1:42 TBA
Instrumental Ito's Rock Guitar 1:38 TBA
Instrumental Prism Stone Open 1:44 TBA
Instrumental Not Going Well 2:52 TBA
Instrumental Gorgeous Dear Crown 1:52 TBA
Instrumental Troubled Situation 1:41 TBA
Instrumental Origami, Let's Fold 1:40 TBA
Instrumental Prism Stone's Great Success 2:36 TBA
Instrumental Naru and Kouji (At the Park) 1:55 TBA
Instrumental Like a Detective 2:13 TBA
Instrumental Shadow's Mystery 2:09 TBA
Instrumental DJ COO's Kiradeco Trailer 2:04 TBA
Instrumental Hiro and Kouji (Rivals) 1:47 TBA
Instrumental Parent-child Quarrel 2:03 TBA
Instrumental Fun Dining Table 1:31 TBA
Instrumental Piano's Memories (Ito's Mother) 1:49 TBA

Disc 5[]

Ver. Song Duration Audio
Instrumental Make Up 1:34 TBA
Instrumental Accusation 1:43 TBA
Instrumental Street・Boys & Girls 1:50 TBA
Instrumental Kouji's Past 1:37 TBA
Instrumental Conspiracy 1:39 TBA
Instrumental Between Storm and Sunshine 1:54 TBA
Instrumental Prolonged Examination 1:47 TBA
Instrumental Angel's Ladder 2:14 TBA
Instrumental Mysterious Behavior 2:17 TBA
Instrumental Prism Show with 3 Peoples 2:16 TBA
Instrumental Uplifting Feeling 2:08 TBA
Instrumental Otoha's Prism Live Special Training 2:10 TBA
Instrumental Friendship is Born 2:05 TBA
Instrumental Sad Memories 2:16 TBA
Instrumental Mismatch 2:04 TBA
Instrumental Happy Time 2:35 TBA
Instrumental I'll Forgive you 2:09 TBA
Instrumental Bell's Violin Music 0:53 TBA
Instrumental Bell Getting Stuck 2:37 TBA
Instrumental Naru and Bell 2:20 TBA
Instrumental Chase the Bell! 2:15 TBA
Instrumental True Feelings 2:02 TBA
Instrumental Message of Love 2:18 TBA
Instrumental Mysterious Conversation 2:23 TBA
Instrumental The Night Before of Decisive Battle 1:20 TBA
Instrumental Friendship is Born 1:30 TBA
Instrumental Gentle Feelings 2:15 TBA
Instrumental Time to Reveal your Thoughts 2:18 TBA
Instrumental Disagreement 2:06 TBA
Instrumental Great Performance with a Pair 1:53 TBA
Instrumental Seniors who Give Courage 1:52 TBA
Instrumental Tragedy of Past 2:03 TBA
Instrumental The Morning when Something Starts 2:29 TBA
Instrumental Stunning Surprises, Upset 2:10 TBA
Instrumental Sunny Skies, After, Cloudy Weather 1:52 TBA
Instrumental Bounce Back Against Adversity! 2:19 TBA

Disc 6[]

Ver. Song Duration Audio
Vocal You May Dream 3:48
Vocal Mera Mera Heart ga Atsuku Naru 3:28
Vocal Happy GO Lucky! ~Happy☆Lucky de Go!~ 4:06
Vocal Dream Goes On 3:30
Vocal Kokoro Juuden! 3:42
Vocal Switch On My Heart 3:33
Vocal 1/1000 Eien no Bigaku 4:00
Vocal We Will Win! -Kokoro no Baton de Po・Pon no Po~n☆- 4:33
Vocal Hop! Step!! Jump!!! 1:36
Vocal Never Let Me Down ~Ganbari ya!~ 1:34
Vocal Itoshi no Tinkerbell 1:57
Vocal 1000% Kyun Kyun Sasete yo♡ 4:27
Vocal Pretty Rhythm de Go! 3:17
Vocal Shall We Go?! 1:37
Vocal Don't Give Up 1:37
Vocal Wonderful World 1:34
Vocal Everybody's Gonna Be Happy -TV size- 1:36

Disc 7[]

Ver. Song Duration Audio
Vocal Dear My Future ~Mirai no Jibun e~ 3:25
Vocal my Transform 4:24
Vocal BRAND NEW WORLD!! 4:21
Vocal Cheki☆Love 3:13
Vocal Life is Just a Miracle ~Ikiteru tte Subarashii~ 4:00
Vocal Body Rock 4:28
Vocal Pump it Up! 5:01
Vocal Shuwa Shuwa BABY 3:00
Vocal Thank You!! 3:29
Vocal Mirage JET 4:09
Vocal cheer! yeah!×2 3:40
Vocal LOVE♥MIX 3:32
Vocal Yoinakaso♪ 2:57
Vocal Que Sera 3:10

Disc 8[]

Ver. Song Duration Audio
Vocal Heart♥Colors♥of Various Dreams 3:28
Vocal BT37.5 3:23
Vocal Sweet time Cooking magic ~Hara Peko Nan Desu Watashi tte~ 3:46
Vocal Get music! 3:33
Vocal Vanity♥Cologne 3:17
Vocal Blowin' in the Mind 3:17
Vocal Gift 4:44
Vocal nth color 4:48
Vocal Reboot 4:41
Vocal Pride 3:28
Vocal FREEDOM 3:47
Vocal EZ DO DANCE ~ DJ.COO Ver. ~ 4:18
Vocal Rosette Nebula 3:53
Vocal Doshaburi HAPPY! 4:27
Vocal cherry-picking days 3:45
Vocal ALIVE 4:56
Vocal Little Wing&Beautiful Pride 3:48

Disc 9[]

Ver. Song Duration Audio
Vocal EZ DO DANCE 4:18
Vocal Butterfly Effect 5:02
Vocal RainBow×RainBow 5:20
Vocal §Rainbow 5:22
Vocal I Wannabee myself!! ~Jibun Rashiku Itai~ 4:23
Vocal Happy Star☆Restaurant 4:24
Instrumental Naru Jump (Guitar) 1:41
Instrumental Ito Jump (Keyboard) 1:18
Instrumental Ann Jump (Drum & Percussion) 1:11
Instrumental Bell Jump (Violin) 1:41
Instrumental Otoha Jump (Sax) 1:37
Instrumental Wakana Jump (Marimba) 1:40
Instrumental Rinne Jump (Guitar) 1:16
Instrumental June Jump (Orchestra) 1:42
Instrumental Happy Rain♪ Jump (3 Instruments) 1:41
Instrumental Bell Rose Jump (3 Instruments) 1:42
Instrumental Rainbow Jump (6 Instruments + Orchestra) 1:43
Instrumental Subtitle 0:11 TBA
Instrumental Notice 0:31 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch A 0:07 TBA
Instrumental Eyecatch B 0:08 TBA
Vocal You May Dream ~ Mission Successful Mix 2014 ~ 3:48

Disc 10[]

Ver. Song Duration Audio
Vocal BOY MEETS GIRL ~ Prism Boys Ver. ~ 4:33
Vocal athletic core 4:07
Instrumental Heart♥Colors♥of Various Dreams ~ LIVE in Christmas 2014 ver. ~ 0:58
Instrumental Happy Naru Sound 2:02
Vocal Free Dreamin' 1:33
Vocal Ex・Ci・Ti・Ng Days 1:41
Vocal Are You Ready? 1:37
Vocal Maiden Puzzle ~Fall in Love EVERYDAY~ 1:41
Vocal Shooting STAR 1:42
Vocal StarLight★HeartBeat 1:39
Vocal Welcome! Girls! 3:38
Instrumental Welcome! Girls! 3:37





Anime Songs
PRAD Livetic Character Songs Dream Goes OnKokoro Juuden!Switch On My Heart1/1000 Eien no BigakuMera Mera Heart ga Atsuku Naru
PRAD Prism ☆ Music Collection You May DreamMera Mera Heart ga Atsuku NaruHappy GO Lucky! ~Happy☆Lucky de Go!~Dream Goes OnKokoro Juuden!Switch On My Heart1/1000 Eien no BigakuWe Will Win! -Kokoro no Baton de Po・Pon no Po~n☆-Hop! Step! Jump!Never Let Me Down ~Ganbari ya!~Itoshi no Tinkerbell1000% Kyun Kyun Sasete yo♡Pretty Rhythm de Go!Shall We Go?!Don't Give UpWonderful World • Everybody's Gonna Be Happy (TV Size)
PRDMF Prism ☆ Music Collection Dear My Future ~Mirai no Jibun e~my TransformBRAND NEW WORLD!Cheki☆LoveLife is Just a Miracle ~Ikiteru tte Subarashii~Body RockPump it Up!Shuwa Shuwa BABYThank You!Mirage JETcheer! yeah!×2LOVE♥MIXYoinakaso♪Que Sera
PRRL Prism ☆ Solo Collection Heart♥Colors♥of Various DreamsBT37.5Sweet time Cooking magic ~Hara Peko Nan Desu Watashi tte~Gift
PRRL Prism ☆ Solo Collection 2 Blowin' in the MindVanity♥CologneGet music!
PRRL Prism ☆ Solo Collection 3 RebootFREEDOMPrideBOY MEETS GIRL (Prism Boys Ver.)
PRRL Prism ☆ Duo Collection cherry-picking daysALIVELittle Wing&Beautiful Pride
PRRL Prism ☆ Music Collection Heart♥Colors♥of Various DreamsBT37.5Sweet time Cooking magic ~Hara Peko Nan Desu Watashi tte~Get music!Vanity♥CologneBlowin' in the MindGiftnth colorRebootPrideFREEDOMEZ DO DANCE (DJ.COO Ver.) • Rosette NebulaDoshaburi HAPPY!cherry-picking daysALIVELittle Wing&Beautiful PrideSEVENDAYS LOVE, SEVENDAYS FRIEND
PRRL Prism ☆ Boys Collection athletic coreFlavorBOY MEETS GIRL (non dialog Ver.) • Pride (Hiro & Kouji Ver.)
Other Songs Party driverSummer dayLolitA☆Strawberry in summerEZ DO DANCEmy TransformBOY MEETS GIRLRainBow×RainBowFree Dreamin’§RainbowEx・Ci・Ti・Ng DaysAre You Ready?Maiden Puzzle ~Fall in Love EVERYDAY~Shooting STARStarLight★HeartBeatWelcome! Girls!

Opening & Ending Songs
You May Dream / LISP You May Dream
MAX! Otome Kokoro/Happy GO Lucky! ~Happy☆Lucky de Go!~ (Single) MAX! Otome Kokoro • Happy GO Lucky! ~Happy☆Lucky de Go!~
Limited addiction/We Will Win! -Kokoro no Baton de Po・Pon no Po~n☆- (Single) Limited addiction • We Will Win! -Kokoro no Baton de Po・Pon no Po~n☆- • Don't Be Cruel
1000% Kyun Kyun Sasete yo♡/Pretty Rhythm de Go! 1000% Kyun Kyun Sasete yo♡Pretty Rhythm de Go!
Everybody's Gonna Be Happy (Single) Everybody's Gonna Be Happy • Popple☆Heart
Dear My Future ~Mirai no Jibun e~ (Single) Dear My Future ~Mirai no Jibun e~Party driver
My Transform (Single) my TransformSummer day
Cheki☆Love (Single) Cheki☆Love
Prizmmy☆Song Collection/Life is Just a Miracle (Single) Life is Just a Miracle ~Ikiteru tte Subarashii~Thank You!Mirage JETcheer! yeah!×2LOVE♥MIX
Body Rock (Single) Body Rock • Best Friend
Pump it Up! (Single) Pump it Up! • Arigatou ~Dear father and mother~
Shuwa Shuwa BABY (Single) Shuwa Shuwa BABY • Very Very Like U
RainBow×RainBow (Single) RainBow×RainBow • Boyfriend♡♡♡
EZ DO DANCE (Single) EZ DO DANCE • Party☆Party
§Rainbow (Single) §Rainbow • Susume Adventure • Motteke! Sailor Fuku
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live Prism ☆ Unit Collection/~I Wannabee myself~ (Single) I Wannabee myself! ~Jibun Rashiku Itai~Rosette NebulaDoshaburi HAPPY!
Butterfly Effect (Single) Butterfly Effect • Dance Away
Happy Star☆Restaurant (Single) Happy Star☆Restaurant

Game Songs
Songs My Heart is Unrequited LoveD@nce ~Magical Groove~Great! Pop'n ☆ Summer!Can't Wait! After School Rock!Butterfly (PRISM MIX)Step! Step! Step!Fluffy Snow in Warm Heart♥Dreamin' Boys&girlsMiniskirt FairyOriginal ~My Own Sparkling Fashion~Summer Night Evolution!StarLight★HeartBeatWelcome! Girls!